This summer, nearly 100 chemical engineering faculty members from 81 universities enrolled in a new AIChE-sponsored education program that seeks to revolutionize — and formalize — the teaching of process safety education as an integral part of undergraduate chemical engineering curricula worldwide.
The inaugural series of the Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS) Faculty Process Safety Workshops — presented under the auspices of the AIChE Foundation and in collaboration with the AIChE/CCPS subsidiary Safety in Chemical Engineering Education (SAChE) — rolled out at four host industrial sites in the U.S.: Archer Daniels Midland (ADM; Decatur, IL); Cargill (Blair, NE); Chevron (Richmond, CA); and Dow Chemical (Freeport, TX). Over the course of each four-day workshop, chemical engineering faculty learned how concepts of process safety are integrated into industrial practice, and witnessed firsthand the role that process safety plays in the design and day-to-day operation of a chemical process industries (CPI) facility.
The goal of the workshops is to provide faculty with the knowledge and insight they will need to integrate process safety education into the chemical engineering curricula at their universities — ultimately, better preparing graduating engineers to meet the process safety competency expectations of their employers.
CCPS-affiliated process safety experts from industry and academia delivered the course content at each faculty workshop. A key component of these workshops is the instruction presented by engineering staff at each host company. Staff engineers accompanied the academicians on an immersive tour of the companies’ facilities, and discussed the process safety matters they considered as part of their work.

▲ CCPS staff consultants, Dow employees, and more than two dozen chemical engineering faculty members participated in the first CCPS Faculty Process Safety Workshop, hosted by Dow at its Freeport, TX, site, June 20–23...
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