Sweat holds a treasure trove of information about a person’s health and fitness. Extracting and interpreting that information, however, has been challenging.
Now, engineers and scientists at the Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Northwestern Univ. have created a miniature laboratory of sorts tucked inside a tattoo-like material that analyzes a person’s sweat. Designed for one-time use for a few hours, the flexible device samples the wearer’s sweat and analyzes key biomarkers to prompt a person to, for example, adjust their exercise level or replenish electrolytes.
“The intimate skin interface created by this wearable, skin-like microfluidic system enables new measurement capabilities not possible with the kinds of absorbent pads and sponges currently used in sweat collection,” says John Rogers, a professor of materials science and engineering at the Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
The patch is a multilayer stack consisting of three subsystems: a layer of skin-compatible adhesive outfitted with micromachined openings to allow sweat to enter the device; a sealed assembly of soft microfluidic channels and reservoirs filled with color-responsive materials for quantitative analysis of pH and the concentrations of glucose, lactate, and chloride; and a magnetic...
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