The August 2020 issue of CEP covered a novel artificial intelligence (AI) platform from North Carolina State Univ. (NCSU) that can automatically run and optimize chemical reactions (“Artificial Chemist Platform Advances R&D,” pp. 10–11), which could help accelerate materials development. Now, the NCSU team has made a few improvements to the unique system, dubbed the Artificial Chemist.
The platform can run numerous experiments under different conditions. As these experiments are rapidly conducted, the AI “brain” quickly learns, using data it collects to inform subsequent experiments. Like a human chemist, it runs experiments to understand the reaction model, and after 10–15 experiments, it has enough data to design the target material. Previously, the NCSU team used the Artificial Chemist to produce perovskite quantum dots (QDs), which are useful in light-emitting diode (LED) technology.
Through repeated experiments, the system learned which conditions would best improve the properties of the QD. However, the Artificial Chemist’s autonomous decision-making mechanism that chooses the conditions of each experiment will need to be customized for every application.
In other words, the optimal mechanism is different for every material. In...
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