Harnessing 3D Printing to Personalize Cancer Treatment | AIChE

Harnessing 3D Printing to Personalize Cancer Treatment


The effectiveness of cancer treatments varies largely from patient to patient, depending on factors such as the genomic and molecular background of the tumor. Cancer models provide some insight into how treatments will be received, but it is difficult to predict how a patient will respond to a particular cancer treatment. Personalization and fine-tuning of cancer models to a specific patient could further improve the precision of cancer treatment.

A team of researchers from Pohang Univ. of Science and Technology (POSTECH) and Pusan National Univ. in South Korea, as well as the Beijing Institute of Technology, have developed a method to culture cancer cells from patient samples, allowing doctors to personalize cancer treatments before use on a patient. “With the integration of the patient-derived tumor cells, we believe that the patient-specific in vitro tumor models might be useful for identifying effective treatments for cancer patients in the future,” says Dong-Woo Cho, professor at POSTECH...

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