AIChE’s Minority Affairs Committee (MAC) celebrated its belated 30th anniversary at the 2021 AIChE Annual Meeting in Boston, MA, this past November, highlighting the hard-fought accomplishments of three decades. Now, as MAC enters its 32nd year, members are pushing to expand inclusion within the committee and the broader community, reaching minority groups who still remain underrepresented in chemical engineering.
Founded in 1990, MAC has long advocated for minority engineers within and outside of AIChE. The committee provides scholarships to college students interested in chemical engineering, conducts career-related webinars, and creates a space for networking and mentoring within AIChE. At times, it’s been a lifeline for minority AIChE members who found themselves to be the sole representative of their race or ethnicity in their workplaces. Now, during a time of heightened awareness of racial disparities, MAC is aiming to expand its outreach.

▲ Manuela Ayee, an assistant professor of engineering at Dordt Univ. and 2022 Chair of the Minority Affairs Committee (MAC), welcomes attendees to the MAC 30th anniversary celebration.
“In 2022, one of my major goals in MAC is to focus on developing and nurturing future leaders by intentionally engaging with students at all levels throughout the year,” says Manuela Ayee, an assistant professor of engineering at Dordt Univ. and 2022 Chair of MAC. “We hope to provide career development opportunities and emphasize the importance of community building and mentorship as we help these students set a solid foundation for a career in chemical engineering.”...
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