New Electrolyte for Low-Temperature Lithium-Ion Batteries | AIChE

New Electrolyte for Low-Temperature Lithium-Ion Batteries


A new electrolyte for lithium-ion batteries keeps functioning under -20°C (–4°F), making it a strong candidate for use in electric vehicles that must run in low temperatures.

Most lithium-ion batteries on the market today use lithium hexafluorophosphate as their salt and a carbonate solvent, such as ethylene carbonate. The solvent dissolves the salt, and the resulting liquid electrolyte acts as a shuttle to move lithium ions from cathode to anode. Crucially, ethylene carbonate is adept at forming a protective layer called the solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) over the anode, allowing lithium ions through but blocking degradation of the electrolyte and anode. The SEI is vital for the electrochemical stability, cyclability, and safety of the battery.

At temperatures below 20°C, however, the ethylene carbonate solidifies, drastically limiting the capacity of lithium-ion batteries in cold temperatures. “You charge the battery for five minutes and it says it’s full, but actually the capacity is only one-tenth of the full capacity of the battery,” says Zhengcheng Zhang, a senior...

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