Plastics have long been indispensable in modern life but infamous for their environmental impact. The demand for them is rapidly growing, yet only a small fraction gets recycled more than once (if at all) before ending up as forever waste.
Scientists at the Dept. of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) have a different vision for the future of plastics. In a new study, they demonstrate a novel, biorenewable plastic material that can be indefinitely recycled in a circular system, rather than being used once and discarded.
The finding builds on the 2019 discovery of a next-generation plastic known as poly(diketoenamine), or PDK, also from the LBNL. Unlike traditional plastics, which degrade with each cycle of reuse, PDK is designed with a type of chemical bond that is reversible, enabling it to be repeatedly deconstructed into its pristine building blocks and then reformed into new products.
The ease with which PDK can be manufactured, used, and recycled — without a significant loss in quality — is a step toward creating a circular plastics economy with minimal environmental impact. However, up until now, the material has still been produced using petrochemicals typically involved in plastics manufacturing, limiting its overall sustainability.
The new study aims to enhance the renewable circularity of plastics,...
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