A new machine-learning technique can predict how molecules will react with one another under varying conditions.
The method could allow the researcher to extract basic chemistry insights and speed the development of commercially important molecules, like pharmaceuticals.
“We often find surprises in datasets, and that becomes the launchpad for understanding,” says Alpha Lee, a faculty member at Cambridge Univ. and the chief scientific officer of PostEra, a medicinal chemistry company that he co-founded.
Lee and his colleagues call their method the “reactome,” playing off ideas from genomics or proteomics. In these fields, large correlational studies powered by machine learning have helped reveal new relationships. Genome-wide association studies, for example, can pick out possible links between complex genetic conditions and multiple genes that may contribute to the conditions.
High-throughput chemistry has generated large datasets of reaction outcomes at different temperatures using different catalysts and reagents, but big-data-style approaches haven’t been used much in this area so far, Lee says. As the cost of high-throughput chemistry drops and the data becomes available, though, that is changing.
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