Meta-Analysis Shows the Positive Effects of Conservation Efforts | AIChE

Meta-Analysis Shows the Positive Effects of Conservation Efforts


A first-of-its-kind meta-analysis of biodiversity conservation projects has demonstrated the widespread success of individual projects at preserving endangered ecosystems despite overall biodiversity trends remaining negative. This study, which was helmed by a diverse team of academicians and researchers from advocacy organizations, aimed to affirm the value of conservation efforts and emphasize the need for expansion and prioritization of further efforts.

Loss of biodiversity due to human development, consumption, and pollution has become a nearly universal problem in ecosystems globally. Whether the impact has come from overfishing, building upon previously undeveloped land, or pollution, negative human impacts on ecosystems are currently threatening approximately 44,000 distinct species of animals with extinction.

To address this crisis, many governments have adopted a variety of standard guidelines and goals for preserving biodiversity. These include the four goals for 2050 and 23 targets for 2030 set by the 2022 Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) and the 20 Aichi Biodiversity Targets in the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2010–2020 set by the Convention on Biological Diversity. Globally, over $121 billion has been spent on conserving biodiversity. Despite this global effort, none of Aichi’s targets were met, leading many to question the efficacy of conservation projects.

Now, a new meta-analysis found that the majority of conservation projects are at least somewhat effective, but they require adequate resources to achieve their objectives.

“If you look only at the trend of species declines, it would be easy to think that we’re failing to protect biodiversity, but you would not be looking at the...

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