Sequestering NOx in Concrete Could Net Economic Benefits | AIChE

Sequestering NOx in Concrete Could Net Economic Benefits


Adding nitrogen to concrete could reduce nitrogen oxides (NOx) pollution — one of the major components of smog.

Concrete is in high demand, driven by population growth and urbanization. The Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA) estimated in a 2021 report that 14 billion m3 of concrete is poured each year. The production of a key ingredient of concrete, cement clinker, involves heating limestone and clay to 2,700°F in large kilns, a process that, unsurprisingly, releases a great deal of greenhouse gas emissions. The think tank Chatham House estimated in 2018 that concrete production contributes about 8% of all carbon dioxide emissions globally. The process also releases nitrogen oxides, which contribute to acid rain, smog, and the formation of ozone. The latter, like carbon dioxide, traps heat in the Earth’s atmosphere.

Over 14 billion m³ of concrete is poured annually. New research suggests sequestering nitrogen in concrete could reduce NOx pollution, potentially better than carbonation for cutting greenhouse gas emissions.

▲ More than 14 billion m3 of concrete is poured each year, driven by population growth and urbanization. New research suggests that sequestering nitrogen in concrete could help curb NOx pollution, which may be a better option than concrete carbonation for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

The demand for concrete is expected to grow, particularly in...

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