Common Mistakes in Pressure Relief Systems | AIChE

Common Mistakes in Pressure Relief Systems

The goal of process safety is to keep pipe contents contained, but it's not possible without a relief system in place. However, most process facilities do not properly maintain their pressure relief systems. While regulations cover other aspects of refineries, requiring audits or evaluations every five years, no such time-specific requirements exist for relief systems.

Neglecting a relief system can be potentially disastrous, but the problems can start even earlier than maintenance. Especially since many relief systems were constructed using manual calculations. Applying the complexity of software calculations is critical to ensure facility and worker safety. This white paper covers the design, implementation, and documentation of relief systems. The system must be reviewed from all aspects, even in the event of an economic downturn. Following the guidelines outlined here can help save a facility from greater financial and hazardous problems.

Trinity/Provenance's Process Safety service areas include all elements of the PSM regulations with expanded expertise in pressure relief systems.

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