June Wispelwey Bio Leadership Fellowship | AIChE

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June Wispelwey Bio Leadership Fellowship

In recognition of June Wispelwey’s outstanding leadership as the founding Executive Director of the Society for Biological Engineering (SBE) and outgoing Executive Director and CEO of AIChE, the June Wispelwey Bio Leadership Fellowship was established in her honor. It is a fitting tribute to her work and legacy in advancing and raising the visibility of bioengineers within and beyond chemical engineering.

The June Wispelwey Fellowship will provide a grant to assist scientists and engineers in spearheading projects that may lead to important technical, business, or community advancements in the biological engineering field. The fellow would work with the AIChE Society for Biological Engineering (SBE) to contribute critical biotech collaborations and improvement efforts.

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Application Form


    The June Wispelwey Fellowship will provide a grant to assist one scientist or engineer per year who will lead a project important to technical, business, or community advancements in the biological engineering field.  The fellow will work with AIChE’s SBE to contribute critical biotech collaboration and improvement efforts.  Recipients will become part of a network of June Wispelwey Fellows, skilled in demonstrating leadership across multifaceted efforts and thus will have opportunities to build partnerships with key entities across the biotech industry.  

    Potential topic areas will be provided in the application form.  Applicants are encouraged to provide their own original ideas for projects. The Fellowship grant or salary will vary based on the project, timeline, and available funding, with a maximum funding amount of $10,000.

    DeadlineMarch 31, 2025
    AdministratorsSociety for Biological Engineering (SBE)
    PresentationThis award is presented yearly at the AIChE Annual Meeting.
    Nomination Instructions

    Application Procedure

    1. Applications may be submitted at any time of year by using this form.  Any applications received after the above cut off date will be held until the next award cycle. 
    2. In order to complete the form, you will need a project statement (maximum 500 words); a project timeline and description (maximum 1000 words); the applicant's CV (maximum 5 pages); and two letters of recommendation.  

    Selection of the Awardee

    Awards Committee

    The chair of the Awards Committee will be nominated by and shall be approved by the SBE board. The chair will have the authority to establish the committee. The SBE Board will review and approve the Awards committee membership.  Each member will serve a three year term, with no more than two members rotating off in a given year.    

    Responsibility of the Chair

    1. Distribute application..
    2. Oversee the selection process.
    3. If the chair deems appropriate, a confidential discussion through mail or conference call may be conducted at the beginning of selection.

    Selection Criteria

    The selection of awardees will be based on the following criteria:

    1. Alignment with the Society for Biological Engineering's mission
    2. Impact on the targeted communities
    3. Completeness of the project plan