Judith Giordan is a co-founder of the Chemical Angels Network (www.chemicalangels.com) , Managing Director of ecosVC, Inc. (www.ecosvc.com) , professor of Practice at Oregon State University, a former Fortune 100 executive and an entrepreneur. Judy serves as board member, co-founder, advisor and investor in seed and early stage STEM aligned startups.
Her previous executive positions include Corporate Vice President and Officer/Global Director of Research and Development at International Flavors and Fragrances, Inc.; Vice-President Worldwide Research and Development for the Pepsi-Cola Company; Vice President Research and Development/Corporate Officer, Henkel Corporation, the North American operating unit of the Henkel Group. She has also held management, program leadership and technical contributor positions at Polaroid and ALCOA. Examples of venture leadership and Board roles include 1ExecStreet and Qteros.
Judy has served on Boards at the National Research Council and at the National Science Foundation where she has been a member of the Math and Physical Sciences Directorate Advisory Board, Member of the Chemistry Division Advisory Board, Member and Chair of the Waterman Award Committee, Member of External Visiting Committees, and as Program Director for the IGERT Program.
Active in Professional Societies, examples include as a member of the Board of Directors, Committee Chair and Program co-chair at the Industrial Research Institute and the American Chemical Society; a member of the advisory group of and program leader for the Conference Board technical conferences, Educational Foundation Trustee at the Commercial Development and Marketing Assoc., and speaker and program organizer at the Angel Capital Assoc. Judy’s honors include ACS Fellow, ACS Garvan-Olin Medalist, ACS Henry Whelan Award for Management Leadership and Alexander von Humboldt Networking Award recipient. Judy has been selected as theme chair for the 2020 ACS National Meeting to be held in San Francisco – “From Bench to Market”.
Judy has a BS in Environmental Science and VoTech Agriculture from Rutgers University; PhD in Chemistry from the University of Maryland; and was an Alexander von Humboldt post doctoral fellow at the University of Frankfurt, Germany.