Dr. Linda A. Chrisey has been a program officer at the Office of Naval Research (ONR) since 1998, where she is currently the lead for ONR’s Team Bio as well as manager for research programs spanning several areas, including Synthetic Biology, Microbial Energy Harvesting, Marine Biofouling, and Gut Microbiology. Prior to joining ONR, Dr. Chrisey worked at the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), as a research chemist. Her research activities included the development of a research program utilizing DNA as a biomaterial, and other applications of DNA in biosensors. She has published over 30 papers which have been cited over 1250 times.
Dr. Chrisey received a B.S. from SUNY Binghamton (Biochemistry, 1983), a Ph.D. from the University of Virginia (Bio-Organic Chemistry, 1988), and then completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the NIH. Dr. Chrisey was subsequently employed at a start-up biotech company, SYNTHECELL Corp., where she served as a Senior Scientist.
Dr. Chrisey currently serves as the DOD representative to the Office of Science and Technology Policy’s “Microbiome Initiative” committee, is the chair of the DOD Tri-Service Microbiome Consortium, and participates on the Asst. Sec. Defense Research & Engineering Biotechnologies for Health and Human Performance working group.