Luciano Di Croce | AIChE

Luciano Di Croce

CRG - Center for Genomic Regulation

Luciano Di Croce (Senior group leader at the Center for Genomic Regulation, and EMBO Member) obtained his PhD from the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. In 1996 he moved to Marburg (Germany) as a postdoctoral fellow where he became interested in understanding the link between transcription and chromatin structure. After a second postdoctoral stage at the European Institute for Oncology (IEO) in Milan, he established his laboratory at CRG in 2003, as an ICREA Professor.

Since its formation, Di Croce’s group has focused its research efforts on understanding how epigenetic modifications and chromatin changes are established and, once in place, how they affect gene expression, cell differentiation and transformation.

More recently, Di Croce lab is interested in understanding how variations in the assembly of multi-protein complexes (such as Polycomb and Trithorax) occur and influence chromatin organization, stem cell differentiation, animal development, and transformation.