Pernette J. Verschure obtained her PhD at the University Hospital Nijmegen, the Netherlands in 1995 and continued as junior researcher at Smith Kline Beecham Pharmaceuticals, Philadelphia, USA. In 1997 she received personal career fellowships from the Dutch Organization for Scientific Research and Dutch Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences. She was visiting scientist at the University of Illinois, USA and received several awards for her contributions to functional chromosome organization (e.g. the Feulgen Prize from the Society for Histochemistry in 2006. In 2013 Prof. Verschure became a professor at the Swammerdam Institute for Life Sciences, University of Amsterdam, and currently she holds a chair at the University Medical Centers. The research of the Verschure group focuses on the dynamics and heterogeneity of epigenome functioning, particularly in applied (biomedical) studies. Prof. Verschure coordinated an EU H2020 Innovative training network (http://epipredict.eu) and served as Workgroup leader for a COST Action (CA18127: https://inc-cost.eu/). She coordinates an international consortium (Epi-Guide-Edit) developing sustained epigenetic reprogramming as a key technology addressing major societal challenges including age-related diseases. Prof. Verschure serves as Associate Editor for Springer Nature’s Epigenetic Communications and the Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry.