I am ICREA research professor (the Catalan Institute for research and Advanced Studies) currently working at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, where I'm the head of the Complex Systems Lab located at the PRBB. I teach undergraduate courses on Biomathematics, Biological Design and cComplex Diseases. I completed degrees in both Physics and Biology at the University of Barcelona and received my PhD in Physics at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. I am also External Professor of the Santa Fe Institute (New Mexico, USA), Fellow of the European centre for Living Technology (Venice, Italy), external faculty at the Center for Evolution and Cancer at UCSF.and at the Vienna's Complex Systems Hub . I am also member of the editorial board of Biology Direct and PLoS ONE. I have received a European Research Council Advanced Grant (ERC 2012) and support from the Fundación Botin. I have also been science advisor of the CCCB exhibit +HUMANS (on the future of our species) and organiser of the Xmas Lectures (Ciencia al Nadal) in Barcelona, also held at the CCCB.