Seth Levine is a Senior Process Development Engineer at Genomatica providing project management and process development leadership for projects across the Genomatica portfolio from diols to bio-nylon. With over a decade of experience in industrial biotechnology process development, Seth has worked on lignocellulosic ethanol, fine chemical, nutraceutical, and chemical intermediate process R&D, scale-up, and technology transfer. This range of projects has allowed Seth to work a variety of R&D challenges including heterogeneous feedstocks, intracellular and extracellular product purification, and novel fermentation designs. Seth is an expert in reaction engineering and kinetic modeling having received a PhD in chemical engineering from Northwestern University and conducting postdoctoral research at the Energy Biosciences Institute at University of California Berkeley developing mechanistic & kinetic models for complex thermochemical and biological reaction systems. A common experience across all of these projects and areas has been the importance of interdisciplinary interaction to ensure that the entire process is optimized with strong communication and understanding of the interdependencies between are pieces including feedstock, strain, fermentation process, and product purification.
Seth Levine
Senior Process Development Engineer