RNA-Seq: Identification of Genes Responsible for Protein Production Fluctuations in CHO Cells in Response to Temperature and Ph Changes | AIChE

RNA-Seq: Identification of Genes Responsible for Protein Production Fluctuations in CHO Cells in Response to Temperature and Ph Changes


Scott, D. - Presenter, Delaware State University
Recombinant Therapeutic Proteins Are Widely Used to Treat Life-Threatening Diseases Including Cancer. Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) Cells Have Been Used for over 25 Years in the Biopharmaceutical Industry to Produce Recombinant Therapeutics, Where CHO Cells Produce Almost One in Three of the Manufactured Recombinant Therapeutics. Different CHO Cell Lines Are Used for Several Reasons, but Protein Production Is a Common Goal across All Lines. There Are Many Factors That Influence Protein Production Levels But Not Much Is Known On How These Factors Work. We Initiated Comprehensive Transcriptomic Analysis of a CHO Cell Line Using RNA-Seq to Understand and Identify Key CHO Cell Genes Involved during Low Temperature Treatments (33°C) and Varying Ph. As These Two Factors Are Important in Determining Protein Production, These Results Will Help Identify Genes That Can Influence the Protein Level Production of CHO Cells.