Multiplex Transcriptional Characterizations across Diverse Bacterial Species Using Cell-Free Systems | AIChE

Multiplex Transcriptional Characterizations across Diverse Bacterial Species Using Cell-Free Systems


Yim, S. S. - Presenter, Columbia University
Johns, N., Columbia University Medical Center
Wang, H., Columbia University
Cell-free expression systems enable rapid prototyping of genetic programs in vitro. However, current throughput of cell-free measurements is limited by the use of channel-limited fluorescent readouts. In this study, we describe DNA Regulatory element Analysis by cell-Free Transcription and Sequencing (DRAFTS), a rapid and robust in vitro approach for multiplexed measurement of transcriptional activities from thousands of regulatory sequences in a single reaction. We employ this method in active cell lysates developed from ten diverse bacterial species. Interspecies analysis of transcriptional profiles from >1,000 diverse regulatory sequences reveals functional differences in promoter activity that can be quantitatively modeled, providing a rich resource for tuning gene expression in diverse bacterial species. We expect that this cell-free multiplex transcriptional measurement approach will improve genetic part prototyping in new bacterial chassis for synthetic biology.