Technical Program | AIChE

Technical Program

6th International Conference on Epigenetics and Bioengineering

Please see below for the Technical Program. To view speaker abstracts, please click here.

Thursday, October 27th
Start Time End Time  
2:00 PM 4:00 PM Registration
4:00 PM 4:15 PM Welcome Remarks
4:15 PM 5:00 PM

Keynote Speaker: Brian Strahl, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Chromatin mechanisms and non-chromatin functions of histone code writers

5:00 PM 5:30 PM Snack Break
5:30 PM 7:00 PM

Session 1: Biophysics of Chromatin

Chaired by Katie Galloway, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

5:40 PM 6:05 PM

Invited Speaker: Victor Corces, Emory University

Mechanisms of transgenerational transmission of obesity epiphenotypes

6:05 PM 6:30 PM

Invited Speaker: Anders Hansen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Dynamics of 3D genome structure and function

6:30 PM 6:45 PM

Selected Abstract: Engineering Methylation Pathways for Selective Chemical Tracking of Epigenetic Writers in Mammalian Cells

Saulius Klimašauskas, Vilnius University

6:45 PM 7:00 PM

Selected Abstract: Suppressing DOT1L Increases Histone Acetylation, Rnapii Elongation, and Nascent Transcription to Enable Pluripotency

Coral Wille, University of Wisconsin Madison


Friday, October 28th

Start Time End Time  
9:00 AM 12:00 PM Registration
10:00 AM 10:45 AM Keynote Speaker: Maria-Elena Torres-Padilla, Institute for Epigenetics and Stem Cells at Helmholtz Zentrum Munchen

Epigenetic mechanisms in early mammalian development
10:45 AM 11:15 AM Coffee Break
11:15 AM 12:45 PM

Session 2: Epigenetics in Health & Development

Chaired by Courtney Hodges, Baylor College of Medecine

11:25 AM 11:50 AM

Invited Speaker: Laura Baranello, Karolinska Institutet

Combined inhibition of topoisomerase 1 and BRD4-mediated pause release selectively kills pancreatic cancer by inducing readthrough transcription

11:50 AM 12:15 PM

Invited Speaker: Xiaodong Cheng, MD Anderson Cancer Center

Regulation of Transcription Factor on DNA Binding

12:15 PM 12:30 PM

Selected Abstract: Epitranscriptomics Marks and Their Governing RNA-Protein Interactions during Environmental Stress

Sean Engels, University of Texas at Austin

12:30 PM 12:45 PM

Selected Abstract: Dissecting the Therapeutic Window of SWI/SNF Epigenetic Therapy in AML

Courtney Chambers, Baylor College of Medicine

12:45 PM 2:15 PM

Lunch and Round Tables

Epigenetics in Society facilitated by Luca Chiapperino

2:15 PM 3:45 PM

Session 3: Perturbing Chromatin and Emerging Technologies

Chaired by Nate Hathaway, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

2:25 PM 2:50 PM

Invited Speaker: Sara Rouhanifard, Northeastern University

Single-Molecule Sequencing and Imaging of Pseudouridine Modifications in the Human Transcriptome

2:50 PM 3:15 PM

Invited Speaker: Douglas Phanstiel, University of North Caorlina at Chapel Hill

Phase-separation driven chromatin looping in human health and disease

3:15 PM 3:30 PM

Selected Abstract: High-Throughput Functional Characterization of Combinations of Transcriptional Activating and Repressing Domains

Adi Mukund, Stanford University

3:30 PM 3:45 PM

Selected Abstract: Using dCas9 to Regulate Endogenous Gene Expression in the Brain

Anne West, Duke University

3:45 PM 5:20 PM Poster Session
Saturday, October 29th
Start Time End Time  
9:00 AM 12:00 PM Registration
10:00 AM 10:45 AM

Keynote Speaker: Marianne Rots, University of Groningen

Awake the sleeping, mute the screaming: towards sustained reprogramming of any given gene by Epigenetic Editing- a historical overview

10:45 AM 11:15 AM Coffee Break
11:15 AM 12:55 PM

Session 4: Epigenetic Editing towards the Clinic

Chaired by Elizabeth Heller, The University of Pennsylvania

11:25 AM 11:50 AM

Invited Speaker: Dan Hart, Epic Bio

GEMS: A platform for transcriptional and epigenetic engineering in human disease

11:50 AM 12:15 PM

Invited Speaker: Ricardo Ramirez, Chroma Medicine

Development of Epigenetic Editors: A New Class of Genomic Medicines

12:15 PM 12:30 PM

Invited Speaker: Nicole Palmour, McGill University

Auditing the Editor: Translational Issues in Epigenetic Editing with CRISPR/dCas9

12:30 PM 12:55 PM

Invited Speaker: Luca Chiapperino, University Lausanne, Switzerland

What place for Responsible Research and Innovation in Epigenetics? Results from the EpiBio Conference Roundtables on 'Epigenetics and Society'

12:55 PM 1:55 PM Lunch
1:55 PM 3:15 PM

Session 5: Sensing Epigenetic Modifications

Chaired by Karmella Haynes, Emory University

1:55 PM 2:20 PM

Invited Speaker: Mark Bedford, MD Anderson Cancer Center

The NFIB/CARM1 Partnership in Small Cell Lung Cancer

2:20 PM 2:45 PM

Invited Speaker: Jennifer Spangle, Emory University

Defining and targeting methylation events in disease

2:45 PM 3:00 PM

Selected Abstract: Dynamic Reactivation of the G1 Enhancer Landscape Underlies SWI/SNF Addiction

Katerina Cermakova, Baylor College of Medicine

3:00 PM 3:15 PM

Selected Abstract: Mechanical Regulation of Histone Modifications during TGFβ1-Induced Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition

Jessica Sacco, The Pennsylvania State University

3:15 PM 4:45 PM

Session 6: Genomics and Emerging Technologies

Chaired by Kaushik Ragunathan, Brandeis University

3:25 PM 3:50 PM

Invited Speaker: Oliver Rando, University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School

An updated view of the mammalian sperm epigenome

3:50 PM 4:05 PM

Selected Abstract: Epigenetic Data Enables the Accurate Prediction of Gene Expression

Alan Cabrera, Rice University

4:05 PM 4:20 PM

Selected Abstract: An Efficient and Controllable Synthetic Model of Early Embryonic Development Using CRISPR Epigenome Editing

Ali Shariati, University of California, Santa Cruz

4:20 PM 4:35 PM

Selected Abstract: Utilizing Epigenetic Reader Domains to Demonstrate Nucleosomes, Not Peptides, Dictate the Histone Code

Matthew Meiners, EpiCypher

4:35 PM 4:50 PM Closing Remarks
5:00 PM 7:00PM Reception