Technical Program | AIChE

Technical Program

Preliminary Technical Program ...

Preliminary Technical Program

(this program is subject to change)

Day 1 - 3 October 2024

Start Time End Time  
9:00 AM 10:00 AM Registration (open all day) 
9:45 AM 10:00 AM

Conference Introduction

Conference Chairs:

Nate Hathaway - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Karmella Haynes - Emory University

Pernette Verschure - University of Amsterdam

10:00 AM

10:45 AM

The EMBO Keynote Lecture                            

Wendy Bickmore - University of Edinburgh                                 

10:45 AM 11:15 PM Coffee Break
11:15 PM 12:35 PM Session 1 - Perturbing Chromatin and Epigenetic Editing
11:15 AM 11:40 AM Specificity of DNMTs in Nature and Engineering

Albert Jeltsch - University of Stuttgart
11:40 AM 12:05 AM Dynamic Epigenetic Regulation and Transcription Bursting in Single Cells

Pernette Verschure - University of Amsterdam
12:05 PM 12:20 PM Speaker Selected from Abstract Submissions
12:20 PM 12:35 PM Speaker Selected from Abstract Submissions
12:35 PM 2:00 PM Lunch
2:00 PM 3:20 PM Session 2 - Emerging Technologies in Epigenetic and Chromatin Research I
2:00 PM 2:25 PM Marvin Tanenbaum - Hubrecht Institute
2:25 PM 2:50 PM Jamie Hackett - European Molecular Biology Laboratory
2:50 PM 3:05 PM Speaker Selected from Abstract Submissions
3:05 PM 3:20 PM Speaker Selected from Abstract Submissions
3:20 PM 3:50 PM Afternoon Break
3:50 PM 5:30 PM Poster Session

Day 2 - 4 October 2024

Start Time End Time  
9:00 AM 10:00 AM Registration (open all day) 
9:45 AM 10:00 AM

Morning Introduction

Conference Chairs:

Nate Hathaway - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Karmella Haynes - Emory University

Pernette Verschure - University of Amsterdam

10:00 AM

10:45 AM

Keynote Presentation

Lei Stanley Qi - Stanford University

10:45 AM 11:15 PM Coffee Break
11:15 PM 12:35 PM Session 3 - Directions in Clinical Epigenetic Engineering
11:15 AM 11:40 AM Gabriella Ficz - Barts Cancer Institute, Queen Mary University
11:40 AM 12:05 AM Do some loci have a propensity to retain ectopic methylation?

Henriette O'Geen - University of California-Davis
12:05 PM 12:20 PM Speaker Selected from Abstract Submissions
12:20 PM 12:35 PM Speaker Selected from Abstract Submissions
12:35 PM 2:00 PM Lunch & Round Table Discussion

Responsible Innovation in Epigenetic Engineering

Michelle Habets - Rathenau Institute
2:00 PM 3:20 PM Session 4 - Sensing Epigenetic Modifications
2:00 PM 2:25 PM Location, location, location: Probing the functional landscape of a genomic locus

Bas van Steensel - Netherlands Cancer Institute
2:25 PM 2:50 PM

Probing chromatin-protein interactions during dynamic regulatory processes

Tuncay Baubec - Utrecht University

2:50 PM 3:05 PM Speaker Selected from Abstract Submissions
3:05 PM 3:20 PM Speaker Selected from Abstract Submissions
3:20 PM 3:50 PM Afternoon Break
3:50 PM 5:10 PM Session 5 - Emerging Technologies in Epigenetic and Chromatin Research II
3:50 PM 4:15 PM Lacramioara Bintu - Stanford University
4:15 PM 4:40 PM Speaker To Be Announced
4:40 PM 4:55 PM Speaker Selected from Abstract Submissions
4:55 PM 5:10 PM Speaker Selected from Abstract Submissions

Day 3 - 5 October 2024

Start Time               End Time  
Start Time End Time  
9:00 AM 10:00 AM Registration (open all day) 
9:45 AM 10:00 AM

Morning Introduction

Conference Chairs:

Nate Hathaway - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Karmella Haynes - Emory University

Pernette Verschure - University of Amsterdam

10:00 AM

10:45 AM

Keynote Presentation

Angelo Lombardo - Vita-Salute San Raffaele University

10:45 AM 11:15 PM Coffee Break
11:15 PM 12:35 PM Session 6 - Computational Epigenetics
11:15 AM 11:40 AM

Constructing gene regulatory networks using epigenetic data 

Kimberly Glass - Harvard Medical School 

11:40 AM 12:05 AM Speaker To Be Announced
12:05 PM 12:20 PM Speaker Selected from Abstract Submissions
12:20 PM 12:35 PM Speaker Selected from Abstract Submissions
12:35 PM 12:45 PM Closing Remarks
12:45 PM 2:00 PM Lunch