Microbiome Engineering with Synthetic Biology | AIChE

Microbiome Engineering with Synthetic Biology


Synthetic biology enables the design of diagnostic and therapeutic bacteria that function in the microbiome. For example, transient molecules in the gastrointestinal tract such as nitric oxide and hydrogen sulfide are key signals and mediators of inflammation. Owing to their highly reactive nature and extremely short lifetime in the body, these molecules are difficult to detect. Recently, we published a a miniaturized device that integrates genetically engineered probiotic biosensors with a custom-designed photodetector and readout chip to track these molecules in the gastrointestinal tract (Inda-Webb et al. Nature 2023). Leveraging the molecular specificity of living sensors, we genetically encoded bacteria to respond to inflammation-associated molecules by producing luminescence. Low-power electronic readout circuits integrated into the device convert the light emitted by the encapsulated bacteria to a wireless signal. We demonstrate in vivo biosensor monitoring in the gastrointestinal tract of small and large animal models and the integration of all components into a sub-1.4 cm^3 form factor that is compatible with ingestion and capable of supporting wireless communication. With this device, diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease could be diagnosed earlier than is currently possible, and disease progression could be more accurately tracked. The wireless detection of short-lived, disease-associated molecules with our device could also support timely communication between patients and caregivers, as well as remote personalized care.