Metabolic Analysis of Antibody-Producing Chinese Hamster Ovary Cell Culture Suppressing Antibody Aggregation | AIChE

Metabolic Analysis of Antibody-Producing Chinese Hamster Ovary Cell Culture Suppressing Antibody Aggregation


Omasa, T. - Presenter, Tokushima University

The aggregation of therapeutic antibodies during the manufacturing process is problematic because of the potential risks posed by the aggregates, such as an unexpected immune response. One of the hallmark effects of trehalose, a disaccharide consisting of two alpha-glucose units, is as a chemical chaperone with anti-aggregation activity. In previous study, Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell line producing a diabody-type bispecific antibody were cultured in medium containing trehalose and the aggregation of the secreted proteins during the culture process was analyzed1). Thus, the addition of trehalose to recombinant CHO cell cultures would offer a practical strategy for quality improvement in the production of therapeutic antibodies.

 In this study, we have investigated the time course extra- and intracellular metabolome data of the CHO cell cultivation under addition of NaCl and trehalose2).

 1. M. Onitsuka et al., "Trehalose suppresses antibody aggregation during the culture of Chinese hamster ovary cells" J. Biosci. Bioeng., 117: 632-638 (2014).

2. M. B. Badsha et al., "Metabolic analysis of antibody producing CHO cell culture under different stresses conditions" J. Biosci. Bioeng., (in press)(2016) doi: 10.1016/j.jbiosc.2015.12.013


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