Presentation Instructions
Oral Presentations
Please check the Technical Program for your scheduled presentation time - speaking slots are anywhere from 20-40 minutes, including questions. Presentations should be in Powerpoint or PDF format and should be uploaded to the projection computer at least 15 minutes prior to the start of your session.
Poster Presentations
Formal Poster Sessions
- Poster recommended dimensions are A0 portrait or landscape orientation, 841mm x 1189mm. Presenters are responsible for printing their own posters. Mounting supplies will be provided on site.
- For Poster Session I (Sunday, June 24-Monday, June 25) presenters, please put up your poster as soon as you arrive at the conference and please take them down by 10AM on Tuesday, June 26.
- For Poster Session II (Tuesday, June 26-Wednesday, June 27) presenters please put up your posters between 10AM and the poster session on Tuesday, June 26 and please remove them by lunch on Thursday, June 28.
Rapid-Fire Poster Sessions
Prior to each Formal Poster Session is the Rapid-Fire Poster Session. Selected poster presenters will be given 90 seconds (1.5 minutes) to present one Powerpoint slide on their work. You will be informed of your scheduled talk time. Rapid-Fire presenters are still expected to provide a regular poster as discussed above.