Extracellular Optogenetics to Control Cell Fate and Function | AIChE

Extracellular Optogenetics to Control Cell Fate and Function


Weber, W. - Presenter, SGBM – Spemann Graduate School of Biology and Medicine, University of Freiburg
Optogenetics is impacting life science research and development in waves of innovation. With the introduction of light-sensitive ion channels into neuronal cells, the first wave of optogenetics enables fascinating insight and innovation in neurobiology. A similar wave occurred shortly after with the use of light-responsive proteins and enzymes to control signaling events at every level of the signaling cascade, from membrane receptors via kinases to gene expression and protein degradation (see www.optobase.orgfor an overview). Currently, a third wave is being triggered with the introduction of extracellular optogenetics, where purified photoreceptors are engineered and used in the extracellular space. In this context we will demonstrate efficient protocols for the gram-scale production of photoreceptor proteins and their application in the extracellularly mediated control and analysis of cell signaling. Examples include synthetic extracellular matrices with light-responsive reversibly adjustable properties, the release and capture of extracellular biomolecules, optically controlled affinity chromatography for interaction proteomics or the design of information-processing biohybrid materials.