Optogenetics to Explore G Protein Signaling in the Heart | AIChE

Optogenetics to Explore G Protein Signaling in the Heart


Bruegmann, T. - Presenter, University Medical Center Goettingen
Besides manipulating the membrane potential by light induced de- and hyperpolarization, optogenetic G protein coupled receptors offer a unique potential to investigate the activation of the specific intracellular signaling cascades. In contrast to pharmacological stimulation, this new approach provides unprecedented spatial and temporal control which is especially intriguing looking into the specific effects within different regions of the intact heart. Furthermore, optogenetic approaches allow for the first time to determine the kinetics of the single steps within the signaling cascades and the different microdomaines. This is of special interest as it allows to investigate when a primarily physiological effect turns into a pathophysiological one.

Therefore this talk will give an overview about recent progress in this new branche within cardiac optogenetics and its new proteins development to specifically controll the Gi, Gs and Gq pathway. In addition, I will present different possible application to investigate cardiac physiology and pathophysiology.