Re-writing Genomes: Discoveries to Applications | AIChE

Re-writing Genomes: Discoveries to Applications


Doudna, J. A. - Presenter, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab

Bacteria have evolved elegant systems for protecting their genomes from invasive elements using enzyme systems that detect and destroy foreign nucleic acids. I will discuss our research on CRISPR systems and related pathways in which enzymes recognize and manipulate nucleic acids in a sequence-guided fashion. Many of these enzymes have potential utility for various applications  in research and the clinic, and have been harnessed based on a fundamental understanding of their biochemical and biological functions. I will describe the process of discovery and invention that enabled the CRISPR-Cas9  system to emerge as a revolutionary technology, underscoring the role of basic research as an engine of innovation and tool development.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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