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Confirmed Posters Conference Synthetic Biology Engineering Evolution Design SEED Year 2017 Proceeding 2017 Synthetic Biology: Engineering, Evolution & Design (SEED) Group Poster Session Type Poster confirmed posters Presentations Coral: Python Abstractions for Genetic Design Nicholas Bolten Engineered Strains of the Unicellular Cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC 6803 Containing Multiple Copies of Phosphoenolpyruvate Carboxylase Claudia Durall de la Fuente Deep Mutational Scanning of NDM-1: Reverse Engineering Antibiotic Resistance to Decode the Protein Sequence and Function Relationship John Chen Ray Socha Nobu Tokuriki Benjamin E. Life Douglas Fowler Measurements of Translation Initiation from All 64 Codons in E. coli Ariel Hecht Jeff Glasgow Paul Jaschke Lukmaan A. Bawazer Matthew S. Munson Jennifer R. Cochran Drew Endy Marc Salit Engineering Microbial Utilization of Pectin-Rich Biomass for Producing Commodity Chemicals Ryan Protzko John Dueber Syntrack 2: A Scalable, Automated DNA Assembly Production Workflow Management John Meng Angela Tarver Matthew Hamilton Robert Evans Nathan J Hillson Jan-Fang Cheng Samuel Deutsch Lisa Simirenko Protein Engineering a Carbon-Neutral Photorespiration Pathway Devin Trudeau Dan Tawfik Overcoming the Membrane Barrier: Recruitment of ?-Glutamyl Transferase for Intracellular Release of Cargo Molecules Tilmann Kuenzl Sven Panke Philippe Marlière Piet Herdewijn Puneet Srivastava Magdalena Sroka Probiotic Design through Microbial Community Modelling Using Genome-Scale Metabolic Models Parizad Babaei Pbnj Gibson Cloning for Fast Turn-Around Donor Constructs in Gene-Editing Applications Intisar K. Turner Christine Chen Synthetic analysis of natural variants yields insights into the evolution and function of auxin signaling F-box proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana R. Clay Wright Mollye L. Zahler Stacey R. Gerben Jennifer Nemhauser Managing Data with the Experiment Data Depot William Morrell Mark Forrer Garrett Birkel Nathan J Hillson Hector Garcia-Martin Teresa Lopez Tyler Backman Christopher J. Petzold Edward Baidoo David Ando Zak Costello Ian Vaino Automated Technologies for Synthetic Biology Applications Steve C. C. Shih Hugo Sinha James Perry Ehsan Moazami Data Rich Strategies for Designing Cellular RNA Devices Joy S. Xiang Immuno-Reprograming of the Tumor Microenvironment Using Synthetic Biotics Adam Fisher Vincent Isabella Kip West Katherine Walsh Mary Castillo Binh Ha Ashley Knight Yves Millet Jose Lora Paul Miller Cami Anderson Exploiting a Soil Bacterium for the Sustainable Production of High-Value Lipids Lindsay D. Eltis Raphael Roccor James Round Innovative Technology to Produce the Building Blocks for Ambroxide Grace Park Introducing Catalysis into Non-Catalytic Protein Folds: How Nature Does It Joe Kaczmarski Ben Clifton Colin J. Jackson Paul Carr Nobu Tokuriki High Quality, Error-Free DNA for Genome Engineering and Constructing Genetic Circuits for Cell-Free Systems Benjamin P. Steil Evelyn Eggenstein Jean-Marie Rouillard Modulating Plant Stress Pathway Output Using Natural Variation Matthew N. Cumming Nicholas J. Provart Development and Substrate Specificity Screening of an In Vivo Biosensor for the Detection of Biomass Derived Aromatic Chemical Building Blocks Leopoldo F. M. Machado Neil Dixon Opportunitis for Facility-Enabled Science at the Doe Joint Genome Institute (JGI) Yasuo Yoshikuni Efficient Engineering of Ribosome Binding Site Libraries in Mismatch Repair Proficient E. coli Sabine Oesterle Sven Panke Daniel Gerngross Tania Michelle Roberts Steven Schmitt Optimizing the Violacein Biosynthetic Pathway Using Droplet Microfluidics Philip Gach Nathan J Hillson Paul D. Adams Anup K Singh Jay Keasling Samuel Deutsch Sangeeta Nath Nurgul Kaplan Manasi Raje Reprogramming Yeast Mating to Characterize Protein-Protein Interactions in High-Throughput David Younger Stephanie Berger David Baker Eric Klavins Functional Robustness of Synthetic Gene Circuits Under Mutation Pressure Joo-Young Lee Kyung Hyuk Kim A Versatile Toolbox for the Control of Protein Levels Using N?-Acetyl-Lysine Dependent Amber Suppression Wolfram Volkwein Christopher Maier Ralph Krafczyk Kirsten Jung Jürgen Lassak CRISPR NAND Gate: rescuing a cis-repressed gRNA using antisense sRNA Pascoe J Harvey Susan J. Rosser Directed Evolution of an Array of Orthogonal Biosensors Adam J. Meyer Christopher A. Voigt A Quorum Sensing-Based Lateral Inhibition System to Generate Contrasting Patterns Mika Tei Melinda L. Perkins Justin Hsia Adam Arkin Murat Arcak Characterizing the Role of 23S rRNA Peptidyltransferase Center Nucleotides in Translation Anne d'Aquino Michael C. Jewett Tasfia Azim Synthetic Morphogenesis in Plant Roots Jose R. Dinneny Jennifer A.N. Brophy An E coli whole Genome Mutant Library Enables Rapid Selection for Improved Fitness Under Diverse Stresses Alaksh Choudhury Zhiwen Wang Dr. Ryan T. Gill Joel L. Kaar Cell-Sized Mechanosensitive and Biosensing Compartment Programmed with DNA Allen P. Liu Vincent Noireaux Jonathan Garamella Sagardip Majumder Ying-Ling Wang Developing HIV-1 Vaccine through a Synthetic Biology Approach Nanxi Wang Zhe Yuan Wei Niu Qingsheng Li Jiantao Guo SWEET Biosensors for Sugar Transport Lily Cheung Wolf Frommer Steps Towards CRISPR-Based Process Control in a Cell-Free System Colin Maxwell Chase L. Beisel Julius B. Lucks Vincent Noireaux Cloning, Expression and Characterization of a Self-Sufficient Cytochrome P450 Monooxygenase from Bacillus Species Hemraj Rimal Bikash Dangi Tae-jin Oh Engineering Whole Cell Biocatalysts for Consolidated Bioprocessing Kateryna Ievdokymenko Tamar Av-Shalom David Goertsen Jewel Ocampo Meghan Verstraete Steven J. Hallam John K. Smit Effective Miniaturization of Illumina Nextera XT Library Preparation for Small Whole Genome Sequencing By Utilizing the Labcyte Echo 525® Liquid Handler Jefferson Lai John Lesnick Noel Ruppert Co-Production of Platform Chemicals 1, 3 Propane Diol and 3-Hydroxy Propionic Acid from Waste Glycerol By Clostridium Pasteurianum David Ortega Kai Schuchmann Nigel Minton Ying Zhang Tuning the Yeast MAPK Pathway for Yeast-Based Biosensors Sarah Stainbrook Keith Tyo Towards the Automated Design of Bacterial Genomes for Tailored Applications Howard Salis Why Doesn’t Everyone Do Everything? the Cooperation Conundrum of Engineered Consortia for the Catabolism of Phosphotriester Pesticides Dan Kehila Nobu Tokuriki Saturation Mutagenesis of E. coli Sigma Factor As a Tool for Strain Engineering Harris H. Wang Jimin Park Development of a Fast-Responding, Minimal Equipment Biosensor for Zinc Deficiency Monica McNerney Mark Styczynski Computational Design of Self-Assembling Protein Nanomachines Alexis Courbet Kathy Wei Una Nattermann Adam Moyer Yang Hsia George Ueda Jorge Fallas Scott Boyken Zibo Chen Chunfu Xu Luis Ceze Tom Daniel Joshua Smith Phil Bradley David Baker Ariel Ben-Sasson Ivan Vulovic Applying Synthetic Biology to Synthesize Functional Materials Andrea Wallace Christopher A. Voigt Monitoring Microbial Genetic Circuits in Soils Using Orthogonal Enzymes That Synthesize Volatile Metabolites Jonathan J. Silberg Hsiao-Ying Cheng Caroline A. Masiello Ilenne Del Valle Dongkuk Huh Engineering the Cyanobacterium Synechocystis Sp. PCC 6803 Towards Optimized Solutions for Future Biotechnological Applications Csaba István Nagy Eva-Mari Aro Pauli Kallio Pekka Patrikainen Kati Thiel Hariharan Dandapani Edita Mulaku Lauri Kakko Pages1 2 3 4 next › last » Checkout Paper abstracts are public but to access Extended Abstracts, you must first purchase the conference proceedings. Checkout Do you already own this? Log In for instructions on accessing this content. Pricing Individuals AIChE Explorer Members $250.00 Non-Members $250.00
Conference Synthetic Biology Engineering Evolution Design SEED Year 2017 Proceeding 2017 Synthetic Biology: Engineering, Evolution & Design (SEED) Group Poster Session Type Poster