A simple and practical process modeling methodology for pressure swing adsorption | AIChE

A simple and practical process modeling methodology for pressure swing adsorption

TitleA simple and practical process modeling methodology for pressure swing adsorption
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsSees, MD, Kirkes, T, Chen, CChyun
JournalComputers and Chemical Engineering
Date Publishedapr
Keywords2.7, Adsorption, Pressure swing adsorption, Process intensification, Project 2.7, Steady state process simulation

Although many dynamic models exist for the design and simulation of pressure swing adsorption (PSA) processes, these models involve the solution of a complex system of coupled partial differential equations. Process engineers need a simple, practical, and yet robust short-cut model that helps decide whether to implement a PSA system in a process flowsheet. This work presents a “virtual” moving bed modeling methodology that considers only mass and energy balances and adsorption isotherms to describe the cyclic steady state behavior of PSA systems. Similar to tray efficiencies in distillation calculations, adsorption efficiencies are further introduced to account for system “non-ideality.” A lab-scale air separation system is used to illustrate the application of this modeling methodology. Topical Heading: Process Systems Engineering
