Thermodynamic analysis of hydrogel swelling in aqueous sodium chloride solutions | AIChE

Thermodynamic analysis of hydrogel swelling in aqueous sodium chloride solutions

TitleThermodynamic analysis of hydrogel swelling in aqueous sodium chloride solutions
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2022
AuthorsTanveer, S, Chen, C-C
JournalJournal of Molecular Liquids
Date Publishedfeb
Keywords2.7, BP5Q4, Electrolyte NRTL model, Hydrogel swelling, Polymer NRTL model, Salt partitioning

A comprehensive thermodynamic model is presented for swelling and salt partitioning of poly (n-isopropyl acrylamide) hydrogels in aqueous sodium chloride (NaCl) solutions at 298 K. Together with a Helmholtz energy expression for network elastic energy, a modified electrolyte Nonradom Two-Liquid activity coefficient model is used to represent both the long-range electrostatic interactions and the short-range van der Waals interactions present in the gel phase. The model parameters include one network parameter per hydrogel system plus two binary parameters per interaction pair in the polymer–solvent-salt systems. With semiquantitave agreement with experimental data for both hydrogel swelling and salt partitioning up to salt saturation, the analysis suggests the ion hydration between NaCl and water is the root cause for hydrogel deswelling in aqueous NaCl solution at high NaCl concentrations, i.e., NaCl weight fraction >0.03. On the other hand, the strong repulsive interaction between NaCl and hydrogel polymer is the dominant factor for salt partitioning.
