Toward an Envelope of Design Solutions for Combined/Intensified Reaction/Separation Systems | AIChE

Toward an Envelope of Design Solutions for Combined/Intensified Reaction/Separation Systems

TitleToward an Envelope of Design Solutions for Combined/Intensified Reaction/Separation Systems
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsTian, Y, Pistikopoulos, EN
JournalIndustrial & Engineering Chemistry Research
Date Publishedjun
Keywords9.3, BP5Q4, Modeling and Simulation, Project 9.3

In this work, we develop an envelope of design solutions for combined intensified reaction/separation systems. The attainable region-based continuous flow stirred tank reactor equivalence principle is applied to characterize design boundaries for a given chemistry independent of process design. The thermodynamic-based Generalized Modular Representation Framework is then employed to generate candidate process alternatives along the design boundaries. The proposed approach is showcased via a case study on olefin metathesis. We also highlight the need to incorporate the attainable region-based constraints into synthesis strategies to assist effective bounding of design/intensification space.
