To be entered into the drawing for a free registration to the 2017 AIChE® Annual Meeting, join AIChE as a young professional member using the discount code SRCYP17.
Be sure to update your contact information to show your post-graduation information
To receive your new, low membership rate, remember to include your B.S. Graduation Year on your membership application.
B.S. Graduates 2017, 2018 = $50: save almost 75% off professional rates
B.S. Graduates 2016 = $100: save almost 50% off professional rates
B.S. Graduates 2015 = $150: save almost 25% off professional rates
If you experience any difficulties with the online application process, please contact Customer Service at or call toll-free at 800.242.4363 (U.S.) or visit (outside U.S.) to obtain your country's number.