Early mRNA Vaccines Against Avian Flu Show Promise in Animal Trials
Research at the CDC and elsewhere continues to advance, including human trials that to study safety and immunogenicity of an H5N1 mRNA vaccine.
Research at the CDC and elsewhere continues to advance, including human trials that to study safety and immunogenicity of an H5N1 mRNA vaccine.
Hear from the Mattheos Koffas about SBE's future, including key enhancements and future directions.
Meet Noubar Afeyan, founder of Flagship Pioneering, co-founder of Moderna, and a prominent advocate of various humanitarian projects.
Julian Jude of Twist Bioscience talks about how synthetic DNA has changed genomic research and about how recent developments that will fuel progress.
Four co-located conferences provided detailed looks at fast-moving areas, including food engineering, translational medicine, cell therapy and immunotherapy, and data analysis.
Kulkarni's research at MIT uses principles of immuno-oncology to detect early-stage ovarian cancer.
Get tips to make the most out of your ME16 experience, from workshops to poster sessions and networking events.
Learn about Sarah's work, hear what new developments she sees as most promising, and find out what research she'll present at ICME.
Hear from Yuta Lee, Founder & CEO of Accelerated Biosciences, about the inspiration behind his research, what he'll present at the conference, and about new findings in cell therapies and immunotherapy.
Learn the personal story behind what inspired B. Wayne Bequette to do research in the field of cell therapies, and find out what's in store at the 5th Cell Therapies and Immunotherapy Conference.
Take a look back at SEED 2024 programs, read about what attendee's had to say, and see what's in store for SEED 2025.
Jeltsch discusses his research at the University of Stuttgart and the important advances in epigenetics that are opening doors to important clinical potential and more.
AIChE’s Regenerative Engineering (RE) Society has chosen Robert S. Langer (MIT) as recipient of its Cato T. Laurencin Regenerative Engineering Society Founder’s Award.
Hear from Richard Fox of Inscripta and Lauren Kinner of Kytopen on CRISPR trends, challenges, and new technology, including boosting throughput and improving scalability.
In celebration of its first 20 years, SBE will host an awards ceremony and reception October 29 at the AIChE Annual Meeting in San Diego.
David discusses the work he’ll be sharing at the conference, trends in the CRISPR field, and how CRISPR can advance some of the grand challenges facing engineering and society today.
Ali is being recognized for his work with micro- and nano-engineered biomaterials in regenerative medicine, medical devices, and organs-on-a-chip systems.
Hear from Andreas Möglich of the Univ. of Bayreuth, Germany, about his research and the areas where he sees significant future developments in optogenetics.
Harvard’s Adam Cohen shares thoughts on the benefits of optogenetics, new discoveries in the field, and what he sees in the field’s future.
Richard Fox discusses overcoming barriers to progress in synthetic biology and biomanufacturing, looks at where the next wave of innovation will come from, and more.
Learn about this researcher’s focus on the transformative potential of RNA, and learn how he thinks it will help solve some of engineering and society’s challenges.
Learn how this researcher got involved in mammalian synthetic biology, where she sees its greatest potential, and what advice she has for those new to the field.
Find out how Leproust entered the field of synthetic biology and learn more about the areas where she sees the greatest potential for improving human lives.
Hear from MIT’s Cullen Buie about his research and where he sees exceptional potential for synthetic biology.
Understand how this researcher found his way into mammalian synthetic biology, hear his advice for entering the field, and learn where he thinks the most promising applications lie.
This issue, a special section on biotherapeutics, plus understanding the effect of human factors and leadership on safety, managing successful collaborations, and more.
Learn how Nika got into mammalian cell engineering, get her career advice for entering the field, and find out what she expects from this year's mSBW.
Find out more about topics and speakers at this year’s event, which is being held fully online to broaden its international reach.
Hear what Gözde has to say about the future of plant genetic engineering, and learn what she’ll be speaking about at SEED.
Find out what areas of synthetic biology Tom Ellis finds most promising, and hear about what he’ll be discussing in his SEED keynote in June.
Learn more about the findings Sonnenburg will share in his keynote, and find out more about developing areas of microbiome research that have influenced his work.
In addition to this month’s bioengineering special section, learn from the 2021 Texas power outages, get best practices for custom calculations, and much more.
Hear from six researchers working in the field of cell-free systems to hear about the potential for innovation, advice on entering the field, and more.
Learn how Ashty got his start in this research area, where he sees great potential for cell-free systems, and what advice he gives to those interested in getting involved in this research.
Learn what Ridaura of the Gates Foundation will speak about at the conference and hear about some of the new technologies affecting her work.
Learn more about this year’s winners who represent a broad range of specialty areas and work in both academia and industry.
See photos and hear about the highlights of the 6th CIB conference, and get details on next year’s conference, which will be held in Boston.
Learn more about Sergey’s upcoming talk and hear what areas he sees as the biggest trends in CRISPR technology.
The CRISPRme tool enhances the accuracy of off-target predictions by factoring in the individual genetic diversities.
Stephanopoulos will receive the 2023 James E. Bailey Award and Zhao will receive the 2023 D.I.C. Wang Award, with each delivering accompanying lectures at this year’s AIChE Annual Meeting.
Learn about Wilkinson’s work that explores how long interspersed nuclear element (LINE) retrotransposons work, and find out what emerging areas of CRISPR technology he’s watching.
Matthew Stanton, CSO of Generation Bio, previews what he'll discuss at the conference and also shares thoughts on CRISPR trends and what's on the horizon.
Alper is being recognized for pioneering contributions in the fields of synthetic biology and metabolic engineering, and for profoundly impacting the field of industrial biotechnology.
Organized by AIChE’s Society for Biological Engineering (SBE), the 8th International Conference on Accelerating Biopharmaceutical Development will be held September 6-8, 2023 in The Royal Sonesta Boston, Cambridge, MA.
Hear from AccBio Conference keynote speaker Raymond Deshaies about the future of biopharmaceutical development.
Read how LanzaTech’s technology transforms carbon emissions from industry and converts them into the chemical building blocks for commercial and consumer goods.
Learn about Elizabeth Nance (University of Washington) and her vision for AIChE's BioTM journal.
Hear from physician-scientist Ami Bhatt (Stanford) about the work in microbial genomics that she’ll be presenting this month in San Jose, CA.
Hear from researcher Bailey Carignan about Lallemand’s specialized work, genetic engineering’s potential, and about improving consumers' understanding of genetically engineered microbes.
Hear from Kathryn Sheridan (Sustainability Consult) and Matt Lipscomb (DMC Biotechnologies) as they discuss biotechnology's impact, challenges, and opportunities.
Learn about how DNA printers work and how they are poised to revolutionize synthetic biology.
Hear what's on the horizon in mammalian synthetic biology, and learn what you can expect from the upcoming conference.
Dr. Liao will receive the award at the Metabolic Engineering Conference taking place in Singapore organized by the International Metabolic Engineering Society (IMES).
This issue, improve your knowledge of predictive maintenance, get tips for troubleshooting common issues with vacuum systems, learn to boost your career with an entrepreneurial mindset, and much more.
Get a closer look at specialty areas with these LinkedIn technical communities for relevant content, news, and networking in advanced manufacturing, safety, and bioengineering.
Hear Adam's perspective on the vast possibilities and opportunities presented by synthetic biology — his explanation of the potential is bound to leave you in awe.
George Chen is being honored for his contributions to the development of next-generation industrial biotechnology based on extremophiles for unsterile and continuous production of biochemicals.
Lear about the barriers and possible solutions to harnessing quantum computing power, and get a glimpse at what progress new advances could bring about for chemical and biochemical engineering.
This video is an engaging teaching aid for high school and college students to help directed evolution and how it is being used to develop new tools for plastics recycling and more.
A special section looks at how fermentation could boost sustainability in the chemical industry, how microbes are the next great domestication challenge, and offers an exploration of the microbiome as medicine.
Learn about the fascinating field of optogenetics and what it can accomplish, and find out how researchers are using it today.
Stepping into the role as interim editor-in-chief is Elizabeth Nance, Jagjeet and Janice Bindra Endowed Career Development Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering and Chemical Engineering Associate Chair for Undergraduate Studies at the University of Washington.
The high-throughput, single-cell technology that merges artificial intelligence with a nanowell imaging platform could be a valuable new weapon in the battle against lymphoma.
Barrangou looks back on CRISPR progress and ahead to what’s on the horizon for CRISPR and related technology. He also discusses the energizing effect of gathering scientists from diverse fields at the upcoming 5th International Conference on CRISPR Technologies.
This issue, a special section on industrial decarbonization, tips for automating measurements at your plant, a look at how chemical engineers can help with solutions for the opioid epidemic, and more.
This issue, a look at mega columns and their role in meeting carbon-neutral goals, considerations for keeping your facility safe from hackers, industry and Institute news, and more.
The new fellowship is slated for presentation in 2023 and will support the work of an emerging leader in the fields of biotechnology or bioengineering.
Learn about the work Synlogic is doing to develop synthetic biotics to treat diseases by harnessing engineered bacteria to carry out therapeutic tasks in a patient's body.
Hear about the history of the Society for Biological Engineering from Gregory Stephanopoulos, SBE Founding Leader, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
This month, banish 11 problem-solving myths, get tips for properly selecting the right refrigeration system, learn to avoid common errors in hazard analysis and risk assessments (HARA), and much more.
Hear from a principal scientist at Schrödinger about how modeling is changing product development, and also hear his take on the trends and influences shaping the future of food processing.
Check out this month's SBE special section, plus an open-access article on battling future pandemics, and much more from the world of chemical engineering.
Get tips on designing liquid-liquid extraction systems, understand how emergency isolation valves can mitigate early pool fires, catch up on Institute news, and much more.
The award recognizes the civic and humanitarian achievements of an engineer whose professional and personal endeavors have advanced the well-being of humankind.
Learn about the opportunities that metabolic engineering and industrial biotechnology offer manufacturers.
Nielsen is being honored for his contributions to the establishment of biobased production of fuels and chemicals.
Hear what the founders of Synplogen expect from the future of metabolic engineering and learn how the company is helping advance research in the field.
Burroughs Wellcome Fund (BWF) helps to accelerate the growth of synthetic biology by supporting projects in the field that align with its mission.
Unlocking the secrets of tissue regeneration may rely on understanding endometriosis, a painful disease thought to affect one in 10 women in their reproductive years.
This issue: boosting parting box performance, common failures mechanism of fired heaters, plus AI, XR, and microlearning trends in training, and much more.