Good Engineers Can Make Good Lawyers | AIChE

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Good Engineers Can Make Good Lawyers

When pondering what to do with your chemical engineering degree, consider law. Many engineering skills prove valuable in a legal career as well.

The best career for any individual is, of course, one that they love. For some with a chemical engineering degree, that means becoming a practicing chemical engineer and designing new products and processes. But chemical engineers have a wide diversity of other possible career choices, including medicine, consulting, and law.

In the legal field, chemical engineers are particularly well-suited for roles such as patent prosecutors or litigators. Patent prosecutors and counselors analyze complex problems daily, break them down to their core elements, and persuasively suggest business-minded solutions to top-level management in the C-suite. Patent litigators protect manufacturers’ technology and defend their freedom to use those technologies in court.

Chemical engineers who are considering a career in the legal profession may be surprised to learn just how fun the career can be. It’s a career that I fell in love with, and many others I spoke with in preparing this article agree: a career in law is one that they love and think you might too. Read on to learn what chemical engineers in the legal field love about their jobs, the engineering skills that help them excel in those roles, and some of the perks of a legal career...

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