Career Connection: Flip Your Job Search Strategy — Target Companies, Not Jobs | AIChE

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Career Connection: Flip Your Job Search Strategy — Target Companies, Not Jobs

How do you approach the job search process? Many people, especially when faced with an unwelcome situation, such as a sudden job loss or pending layoff, take a reactive approach. Generally, this approach involves applying online to dozens — sometimes hundreds — of jobs with as many employers as possible.

Have you heard a friend or family member say that the job search is a numbers game? Perhaps you have said it to yourself or someone else at some point. If you are solely using the approach mentioned above, then yes — you are treating the job search as a numbers game.

The reality? Online applications are one of the least effective job search strategies. Today, anyone with access to a computer and the internet can apply for any advertised position, leading to market oversaturation. Most people spend less than two minutes reading a single posting. As a result, employers have to sort through hundreds, sometimes thousands, of résumés from applicants, many of whom are unqualified. This method leaves you with a false sense of productivity and increases the risk of losing sight of your goals. Even the best résumés typically receive less than a 7% response rate. Therefore, if you were to submit 100 online applications, you might hear back from only seven companies.

So, what is the best approach? Landing the right job is about strategy over statistics. The most successful job...

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