(2ca) Optimization of Concentric-Tube Internal Loop Airlift Photobioreactors for Commercial-Scale Microalgae Cultivation Using Multiphysics Simulations | AIChE

(2ca) Optimization of Concentric-Tube Internal Loop Airlift Photobioreactors for Commercial-Scale Microalgae Cultivation Using Multiphysics Simulations


Li, L. - Presenter, The Australian National University
Wang, W., KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Lau, R., Nanyang Technological University
Wang, C. H., National University of Singapore
Xu, X., National University of Singapore
Research Interests: Fuel production from using solar radiation and carbon dioxide via thermochemical or biochemical processes, which requires advancement in multi-disciplines including solar energy, reactor engineering, microalgae technology, optical engineering, and thermal engineering.

Teaching Interests: Thermal sciences (heat transfer, thermodynamics); Fluid dynamics; Solar thermal technologies

Abstract: Microalgae can be used for the production of high quality single cell protein. The cultivation of microalgae can be accomplished in a photobioreactor where the requisite culturing conditions such as light intensity, CO2, O2, pH, and temperature, are satisfied [1,2]. In order to optimize the reactor geometrical configurations for achieving the maximal biomass yield, a multiphysics model is developed in this study which integrates the hydrodynamics, radiative transfer and algal growth kinetics using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations.

Transient, two-dimensional, Eulerian two-fluid approach with the standard k-Ɛ turbulence model is developed for studying the multiphase flow dynamics in the airlift reactor using ANSYS Fluent. The radiative transfer model approximates the light intensity as a function of the medium depth and the dry biomass concentration, based on experimentally measured data. The microalgae cell growth kinetic model is developed based on experimentally measured data which considers the effect of light intensity on the algal growth rate. Based on the developed multiphysics model, we evaluate the growth of microalgae as affected by the reactor geometrical parameters, particularly the reactor scale. This work paves the way for developing a low-cost, high-production, pilot-scale modular photobioreactor system suitable for commercial deployment.


[1] J. Pruvost, F. L. Borgne, A. Artu, J. Cornet, J. Legrand, Industrial photobioreactors and scale-up concepts, in: Advances in Chemical Engineeering, Vol. 48, 2016, pp. 257-310.

[2] L. L. Zhuang, D. Yu, J. Zhang, F. F. Liu, Y. H. Wu, T. Y. Zhang, G. H. Dao, H. Y. Hu, The characteristics and influencing factors of the attached microalgae cultivation: a review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol. 94, 2018, pp. 1110-1119.