(4d) Reflections on Learning from and Teaching with H. Scott Fogler | AIChE

(4d) Reflections on Learning from and Teaching with H. Scott Fogler


Senra, M. - Presenter, Lafayette College
I have the privilege of being one of forty-five individuals who can say that H. Scott Fogler was their PhD thesis advisor. This privilege came with high expectations and the development of an uncanny ability to approach and solve problems that go far beyond the petroleum industry. These critical thinking skills were developed in the laboratories of the Fogler Group, conference rooms during Friday afternoon group meetings and in the classrooms of the University of Michigan. Recognizing my passion for teaching, Scott gave me the opportunity the work with him on multiple occasions in a variety of different teaching environments. These experiences, along with his tutelage and support have greatly influenced me as I have taken the somewhat less traditional path of being a professor at a primarily undergraduate institution, Lafayette College. In this presentation, I will discuss how the lessons learned from my time with Scott Fogler are relevant today inside and outside of the classroom and will be in the future.
