Early-career researchers in sustainable energy | AIChE

Early-career researchers in sustainable energy


Torres, A. I., Facultad De Ingeniería Udelar


Tumbalam Gooty, R., Purdue University

This session invites submissions led by early-career researchers (postdoctoral associates, graduate students) working in the area of sustainable energy in any capacity (experimental, computational research). The session provides an opportunity for early-career researchers to showcase their research to potential employers in academia, industry and government. Submissions to this session must be accompanied by an email from the senior researcher/principal investigator/faculty co-author to the session chair (Anna Torre, aitorres@cmu.edu), co-chair (Radhakrishana TG, Radhakrishna.Tumbalam-Gooty@netl.doe.gov) and area chair (dharik@mit.edu) verifying the eligibility of the lead author to present in this session.



Paper abstracts are public but to access Extended Abstracts, you must first purchase the conference proceedings.


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