Particulate Process Modeling and Product Design Session 1 | AIChE

Particulate Process Modeling and Product Design Session 1


Ramachandran, R., Rutgers The State University of New Jersey

Contributions are sought in the general area of model-based design and analysis of particulate-based processes/products. The design of such processes/products can range from the micro-scale study of the fundamental phenomena involved in particle-particle, particle-fluid and particle-wall, through the macro-scale study of integrated particulate unit operations. Models of interest include (but are not limited to) Population balance models (PBM), Discrete element method (DEM), Computational fluid dynamics (CFD), Finite element method (FEM), hybrid and Machine learning (ML) methods. Other topics of interest include model-based control and optimization, model-based quality risk assessment and numerical algorithms for efficient simulation of computationally intensive models.



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