How to Achieve What Seems Impossible - Zero Incidents | AIChE

How to Achieve What Seems Impossible - Zero Incidents



Israni, C., Environmental Resources Management

Year after year, the industry is reducing incident rates, which indicates that improvement efforts are having a positive effect. Abstracts are sought that describe what improvement initiatives organizations are successfully implementing to reduce the number and severity of their process incidents. These programs can be in the areas of behavioral aspects such as operating discipline, human factors, safety culture, breaking the abnormal becoming normal mentality, and gaining sensitivity to operations. Abstracts can also focus in more technical areas such as mechanical integrity, PHA, inherently safer design, or any other area where process safety improvements are being made to achieve zero incidents. Preference will be given to those abstracts that show demonstrated improvements resulting from these efforts.



Paper abstracts are public but to access Extended Abstracts, you must first purchase the conference proceedings.


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