Vision 20/20 - Successes from the Last Decade | AIChE

Vision 20/20 - Successes from the Last Decade


Henselwood, F., NOVA Chemicals


Almost 10 years ago, CCPS imagined what perfect process safety would look like in the not-so-distant-future. That dream turned into the Vision 20/20 initiative. This session solicits abstracts based on the process safety improvements and successes in industry or a company resulting from implementation or use of Vision 20/20 and similar concepts. What progress has been made? What learnings and accomplishments have resulted? Preference will be given to abstracts that show application of one or more of the five tenets and/or four societal themes of Vision 20/20, but other abstracts describing related process safety improvement efforts or histories are also of interest.



Paper abstracts are public but to access Extended Abstracts, you must first purchase the conference proceedings.


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