Tutorials in Loss Prevention Symposium (LPS) II | AIChE

Tutorials in Loss Prevention Symposium (LPS) II



Morris, J., Exponent

Tutorials in Loss Prevention Symposium (LPS) – focused on technological advances in process safetyPotential LPS Tutorial session(s) include: modeling, consequence, and risk analyses of fires, explosions (including combustible dusts, detonation vs. deflagration), new development in failure databases, toxic releases, and reactive chemicals; siting of buildings and equipment; explosion prevention; pressure relief systems; and fire protection.Dust explosion safety continues to be an area of interest and development for loss prevention professionals. This session will provide an introduction to combustible dust hazards and their mitigation. The session will teach the attendees the characteristics of dusts that create a combustible dust hazard, introduce laboratory analysis techniques that are used to characterize the explosibility of dusts, and introduce design and safety management concepts that will aid a facility in identifying, managing, and mitigating combustible dust hazards.



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