(41af) Catalytic Reformer Pressure Relief: Bringing an Existing Unit Back into Compliance | AIChE

(41af) Catalytic Reformer Pressure Relief: Bringing an Existing Unit Back into Compliance


Wakil, W. - Presenter, Smith & Burgess LLC
Reformers and hydrotreaters often have a single pressure relief device or set of pressure relief devices protecting several vessels and exchangers. Additionally, overpressure scenarios can get complicated, with the feed pumps, make-up gas, recycle compressor, feed furnace, and reaction affecting the pressure profile and relief load. In this case study, we will look at a Platformer Unit with relief devices on the Low Pressure Separator that protect both the low pressure and downstream high pressure systems. With flow rates and pressures increasing over the years, a pressure relief system originally designed to adequately limit equipment pressures may fall out of compliance. In this case study, a dynamic simulation of overpressure scenarios in a Platformer will be presented to show the system behavior, verify the adequacy of existing pressure relief valves, and recommend upgrades.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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