Waheed Wakil | AIChE

Waheed Wakil

Citation name

Wakil, W.


Smith & Burgess LLC





Mr. Waheed Wakil is the Technical Engineering Supervisor for Smith and Burgess. Waheed has spent over ten years in Process Safety Management – specifically Relief Systems and Flare Design and Concern Resolution. Waheed has led over 50 domestic and global projects for Upstream and Downstream Oil & Gas Operators and Chemical Manufacturing facilities for Smith & Burgess. Waheed received a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Texas A&M University and is a Professional Engineer in the state of Texas.


(65a) Realizing the Importance of PSM: A Young Engineer's Perspective
2016 AIChE Spring Meeting and 12th Global Congress on Process Safety (ISBN: 978-0-8169-1096-0)
(56c) Undesired Effects of Relief Systems Concerns Mitigations
2020 Virtual Spring Meeting and 16th GCPS (ISBN: 978-0-8169-1113-4)
(52bf) Overpressure Protection in Sulfur Recovery Unit (SRU)2022 Spring Meeting and 18th Global Congress on Process Safety Proceedings

Associated proceedings 

2016 AIChE Spring Meeting and 12th Global Congress on Process Safety
2020 Virtual Spring Meeting and 16th GCPS
2022 Spring Meeting and 18th Global Congress on Process Safety Proceedings
2023 Spring Meeting and 19th Global Congress on Process Safety