(48a) Back to School for Process Safety | AIChE

(48a) Back to School for Process Safety

This presentation will provide an overview of the recently issued CCPS Process Safety for Engineers: An Introduction, Second Edition and how to use it. The objective of the text is to support teaching and learning of Risk Based Process Safety fundamentals as defined by the Center for Chemical Process Safety. It also addresses the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) Program Criteria for Chemical Engineering requires that chemical engineering curricula include consideration of the hazards relevant to chemical, processes. This book can be used in meeting that requirement either as a curriculum for an undergraduate level Process Safety course or to provide Process Safety content into common Chemical Engineering courses.

The team creating the book included professors that teach process safety. The book is founded on the CCPS Risk Based Process Safety elements and points to numerous tools to support the instructor in teaching and the engineer in conducting Process Safety fundamentals. Each chapter begins with a detailed process safety incident case study and includes what a new engineer might do, problem sets, numerous references, and a generic presentation file for use by professors.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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