Featured CCPS Projects: Emerging Topics, Tools, and References | AIChE

Featured CCPS Projects: Emerging Topics, Tools, and References


Each year, teams of volunteers help develop and execute dozens of projects sponsored by the CCPS. This session seeks submissions that either provide updates from ongoing CCPS projects to share with the process safety community, or lessons from the application of the resources (such as publications or toolkits) that are delivered from the CCPS project teams. A review of ongoing projects, and those looking for volunteers, can be found at https://www.aiche.org/ccps/projects.



Paper abstracts are public but to access Extended Abstracts, you must first purchase the conference proceedings.


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AIChE Emeritus Members $105.00
Employees of CCPS Member Companies $150.00
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AIChE Undergraduate Student Members Free
AIChE Explorer Members $225.00
Non-Members $225.00