What is Process Safety Culture and How Does It Apply to Me? | AIChE

What is Process Safety Culture and How Does It Apply to Me?


Israni, K., Environmental Resources Management (ERM)


Moore, D., AcuTech Consulting Group

What is Process Safety Culture and How Does It Apply to Me? – focused on defining process safety culture and how new process safety professionals can support a strong process safety culture. Process safety culture has been defined as “the combination of group values and behaviors that determine the manner in which process safety is managed.” More commonly, it is simply “how we do things around here”. Many new process safety professionals struggle to understand what process safety culture is and how it applies to them. This session invites papers that provide an overview of process safety culture, characteristics of a strong safety culture, and the responsibility of every employee to support and strengthen their company’s process safety culture. Authors may address topics such as how process safety culture is quantified and measured for continuous improvement purposes and how organizations can make the transition from anecdotes to actionable data. Examples of organizational structures that support a strong process safety culture as well as the process safety culture experience in smaller facilities are all welcome to provide an overview of what new process safety professionals experience across the profession.



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