(110a) Ethylene Production and Decarbonization Strategy Using Oxidative Coupling of Methane | AIChE

(110a) Ethylene Production and Decarbonization Strategy Using Oxidative Coupling of Methane


Srivastava, H. - Presenter, Lummus Technology
Katende, E., Lummus Technology LLC

Oxidative Coupling of Methane (OCM) upgrades low-value methane-rich feedstock into high value petrochemicals. Latest improvements in Lummus’ Gemini® OCM technology bring it closer to commercial deployment on a cost-competitive basis. It also offers an avenue for reduction in CO2 emissions. OCM can be deployed in a stand-alone mode using natural gas and gas liquids as feedstock; integrated with a Gas Plant; integrated with a steam cracker; or utilize CO2 as a feedstock. Different process schemes can be employed for OCM when external H2 source, particularly from a green source such as electrolysis is available, CO2 itself can be used as a feedstock to produce green ethylene using OCM. Some of the salient features of this technology and the different flow schemes will be discussed in this paper.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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