(197c) Developing the Circular Economy: Advances in Advanced Recycling | AIChE

(197c) Developing the Circular Economy: Advances in Advanced Recycling


Smith, D. - Presenter, Nalco Water

As Advanced Recycling continues to advance, the feedstocks produced from the various chemical recycling processes can provide challenges for recyclers, chemical manufacturers, and refineries to produce and process. The purpose of this paper is as follows:

  1. Present the results of extensive laboratory testing of various recycle plastic feedstocks.
  2. Detail some of the potential challenges faced in producing and processing feedstocks derived from recycled plastic.
  3. Discuss solutions that address these challenges to improve feedstock quality and reliability and reduce the potential negative impacts of producing and processing recycle feedstock.



This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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